
 Cummins Engine B5.9 215HP – BS 111  RHD 6×4  C a p a c i t y : 5883cc  No. of Cylinders: 6 Inline  Type: DI – Turbo Charged Cooled Diesel Engine  Integral Power Steering, with double UJ. Ration20,4:1 & 20:2:1  Fuel Tank: 240 Ltr  Tyre: Front:11.00 x 20 – 16 PR – 2 Nos (Rib)  Rear: 11.00 x 20 – 16 PR – 8 Nos (Lug)  24 Volts, 2 x 12V x 130Amp hr. (20 hr. rating)  Body Tipping: Capacity – 14 & 16m3 rock, body with rock  Breakers & sandwich floor, Single ram  Tipping angle – 51 degrees front end tipping

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